York Traditions Bank Announces CEO Transition Timeline
June 1, 2016
Network Mixer 6-15-16 at U-Stor-It
June 16, 2016
York Traditions Bank Announces CEO Transition Timeline
June 1, 2016
Network Mixer 6-15-16 at U-Stor-It
June 16, 2016

New Treasurer – Lora Deller



We would like to welcome Lora Deller to the Board of Directors and Treasurer for the Buy Local Coalition.

Lora is Co-Owner of Red Oak Remodeling of York.

Family: Married for 29 years to Paul with two grown sons

My hidden talent? Making homemade raspberry brandy

I am famous for? My smile

If I could go anywhere for an entire month? Travel through Italy

My proudest moment? Watching my two sons become young adults

Most desired meal or food? Fresh summer tomatoes with fresh mozzarella cheese drizzled with fresh olive oil and balsamic vinegar, Italian breads dipped in olive oil, and antipasto

If I had an additional five hours a week, I’d? be gardening

What do you enjoy about serving our clients? Love all the relationships I’ve made over the years

What “little things” do you consider yourself an expert at or highly skilled at? Entertaining and I love to cook

What do you do outside of work? Enjoy playing pickleball, love to practice yoga and enjoy reading a good book

Red Oak Remodeling Website